Public outcry restores censored Christmas carols

Alliance Defending Freedom issued letter to Wis. school district
Monday, Oct 14, 2013

Student solidarity with silenced babies on firm legal ground

Alliance Defending Freedom ready to defend participants in 10th annual Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
Monday, Oct 14, 2013

Letter: Tenn. student-led game-day prayers constitutional

Alliance Defending Freedom educates, equips officials on how to protect students’ free speech
Friday, Oct 11, 2013

Hawaii churches ask court to dismiss atheists' baseless lawsuit

Alliance Defending Freedom represents two congregations sued for paying agreed-upon rent for use of school buildings
Thursday, Oct 10, 2013

Ariz. church appeals to state's high court over $50K tax bill

Alliance Defending Freedom represents Quartzsite church being taxed out of existence
Thursday, Oct 10, 2013

'God Bless America' sign restored to Constitution Week display at NC library

Library changes course after receiving Alliance Defending Freedom letter
Wednesday, Oct 9, 2013

Students free to exercise religious liberty on 'Fields of Faith'

Alliance Defending Freedom legal memo explains constitutional freedoms of participating students
Wednesday, Oct 9, 2013

Gross v. Switzerland

Tuesday, Oct 8, 2013

European high court to again review doctor-prescribed death for woman not terminally ill

Alliance Defending Freedom will seek to participate in defense of life
Tuesday, Oct 8, 2013