Third court puts a stop to Biden admin's illegal Title IX rule

Favorable ruling comes after ADF attorneys, four more states asked court to immediately halt administration’s unlawful attempt to rewrite federal law
Tuesday, Jul 2, 2024

OR youth ministry asks 9th Circuit to uphold its freedom to hire people who share its faith

ADF attorneys represent Youth 71Five Ministries
Tuesday, Jul 2, 2024

Wuoti v. Winters

Monday, Jul 1, 2024

State of Tennessee v. Cardona

Saturday, Jun 29, 2024

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Texas Supreme Court protects children from unproven, harmful drug treatments

ADF Senior Counsel Natalie Thompson:  “Texas rightly enacted the Minors Protection Act to protect the health and welfare of all children—supporting their natural biological development and ensuring that children experiencing gender dysphoria have a chance for comprehensive healing and compassionate mental health support. Respected authorities continue to find that the overwhelming majority of children will naturally resolve their dysphoria as they mature....” 

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Iowa Supreme Court protects unborn life

ADF Senior Counsel Chris Schandevel:  “States have the strongest possible interest in protecting the most fundamental of our human rights: the right to life. So we’re thrilled to join the people of Iowa in celebrating today’s decision by Iowa’s highest court. Iowans have been eager to declare that life is a human right, which they can now freely do....” 

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US Supreme Court: Federal officials are not above the law

ADF Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake:  “The U.S. Supreme Court has rightly held that unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats can’t weaponize federal laws to violate Americans’ most fundamental rights. Federal agency officials frequently disrespect Americans’ most cherished principles—including religious freedom and the sanctity of life—by imposing personal political agendas that Congress has not authorized. Now, the court has wiped away a major roadblock that prevented Americans from holding government officials accountable....” 

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