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Trump administration moves towards restoring common sense to student privacy in public schools

Sunday, Feb 12, 2017
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Gary McCaleb regarding the Trump administration’s decision to drop the federal government’s challenge to a nationwide injunction that blocked the enforcement of the Obama administration’s unlawful redefinition of Title IX:

“This is good news for the privacy, safety, and dignity of young students across America. The Obama administration radically distorted a federal law that was intended to equalize educational opportunities for women and misused the law to place members of the opposite sex into students’ private facilities. Today, the Trump Administration took the first steps to end that error. It is only common sense to ensure privacy for all students by keeping boys out of girls' locker rooms and vice versa, and school officials shouldn’t have to fear losing crucial federal funding when they protect all students’ privacy. Respecting the real differences between boys and girls is right, because that protects the privacy, safety, and dignity of all students.”