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Ohio governor signs bill to defund Planned Parenthood

Sunday, Feb 21, 2016
The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox regarding HB 294, an Ohio measure signed into law Sunday by Gov. John Kasich that significantly restricts public funding for abortion businesses such as Planned Parenthood, making Ohio the 10th state to take action in recent months to strip taxpayer dollars from the abortion giant:

“Not one more penny should go to Planned Parenthood, a scandal-plagued abortion business that does not provide comprehensive health care services for women. Ohio’s new law terminates funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses, freeing up money for more widely available and more comprehensive low-cost healthcare options for women and families in the state. Taxpayer dollars should not go to organizations with a long track record of abusive and potentially fraudulent billing practices, that have been caught in authenticated undercover videos negotiating prices for baby body parts, and that have repeatedly failed to report the sexual abuse of girls. Ohio is right to end its relationship with organizations undeserving of taxpayer money and unworthy of the taxpayers’ trust.” (#DefundPP)

Mattox testified before the Ohio Senate’s Government Oversight and Reform Committee in October of last year to provide expert legal opinion on the legality and constitutionality of the earlier Senate version of the bill.
  • Pronunciation guide: Mattox (MAT’-ucks)

Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

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