Attorney sound bites: Natalie Decker | Michael J. Norton
TEMPE, Ariz. — Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Michael J. Norton and Litigation Counsel Natalie Decker will be available for media interviews immediately following Tempe Union High School District’s Sex Education Curriculum Committee meeting Tuesday. Decker spoke briefly at January’s committee meeting after the committee invited a Planned Parenthood employee to review, assess, and present an overview of three different sex education programs, thereby serving as a filter and advisor to the committee.
The TUHSD committee has been tasked by its school board to review programs available and ultimately make a recommendation. An Alliance Defending Freedom letter issued to all Arizona school districts Monday explains that giving Planned Parenthood access to students very likely violates a state law that requires preference to be given to childbirth and adoption, not abortion.
“Schoolchildren should be able to have a positive education free from influence by Planned Parenthood’s abortion marketing campaign,” said Decker. “Students and parents deserve better. School districts should carefully consider and review programs that are available to ensure compliance with state law and use a curriculum that supports abstinence, childbirth, and adoption instead of abortion.”
Arizona Senate Bill 1009 was enacted in April 2012 and mandates that no Arizona school district “may allow any presentation during instructional time or furnish any materials to pupils as part of any instruction that does not give preference, encouragement and support to childbirth and adoption as preferred options to elective abortion.”
“Given its emphasis on the promotion and performance of abortions, the involvement of Planned Parenthood AZ in decision-making of Arizona school districts in any capacity is highly problematic regardless of whether Planned Parenthood AZ employees physically enter the classrooms to teach students, train public school teachers, or serve in any sort of advisory role to school districts,” the Alliance Defending Freedom letter explains. “Moreover, the involvement of Planned Parenthood AZ is likely to cause Arizona school districts to be in violation of Arizona law.”
“We hope Arizona school districts will find our letter helpful in explaining state law,” said Norton, a former US Attorney. “School districts should provide students with a curriculum that promotes life, human dignity, and is truthful about the dangers of sexual promiscuity.”
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.