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Palm Beach Gardens Baptist Church v. City of Port St. Lucie resource page

News releases:  3/9/2012  |  1/20/2011

Friday, Mar 9, 2012

ADF attorney sound bite:  Kevin Theriot

— The city of Port St. Lucie has revised its zoning code so that it no longer unconstitutionally discriminates against churches and other religious assemblies.

An Alliance Defense Fund lawsuit filed last year on behalf of Palm Beach Gardens Baptist Church prompted the changes. A federal court issued an order Monday that affirms the city will no longer discriminate against churches in zoning districts across the city, including one that covered the Southport Shopping Center where the church wished to lease space for worship services.

“Churches shouldn’t be singled out for discrimination by a city’s zoning restrictions, so Port St. Lucie has done the right thing in making its zoning code constitutional,” said ADF Senior Counsel Kevin Theriot. “Both the U.S. Constitution and federal law prohibit government officials from banning religious uses of property when they allow similar non-religious uses of that same property. We commend Port St. Lucie officials for addressing this problem. In so doing, they have become an example for other cities to follow.”

In December 2010, the city wouldn’t allow Palm Beach Gardens Baptist Church to apply for an occupancy permit for the purpose of leasing property at Southport Shopping Center because the zoning code didn’t allow churches there. For the same reason, the city was attempting to force two churches already located in the shopping center to move out.

ADF attorneys filed suit in January of last year on the grounds that such discrimination was a violation of the church’s rights protected by the U.S. Constitution and the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which prevents zoning officials from singling out churches for discriminatory treatment.

The consent decree and order issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida and agreed to by the city and the church in Palm Beach Gardens Baptist Church v. City of Port St. Lucie acknowledges the city’s zoning code changes. In light of the changes, the order states that the city “shall not discriminate against religious assemblies as compared to private clubs or lodges and day care centers, and any other assembly in the Neighborhood Convenience Commercial Zoning District…, and shall also refrain from discriminating against religious assemblies as compared to other types of assemblies in any other zoning district.”

ADF is a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending the right of people to freely live out their faith. Launched in 1994, ADF employs a unique combination of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family.

Legal Documents

Motion for preliminary injunction: Palm Beach Gardens Baptist Church v. City of Port St. Lucie
Complaint: Palm Beach Gardens Baptist Church v. City of Port St. Lucie
Consent decree and order: Palm Beach Gardens Baptist Church v. City of Port St. Lucie

Related Resources

ABOUT Kevin Theriot

Kevin Theriot serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is a key member of the Center for Life Team working to defend pro-life laws and speech and protect medical rights of conscience. He has litigated cases in the areas of religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and marriage and family. Theriot is admitted to the bar in eight states, the U.S. Supreme Court, and numerous other federal courts of appeal and district courts. Theriot received his law degree from Vanderbilt University and has been litigating First Amendment issues since 1993.