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Board of Education of the Highland Local School District v. United States Department of Education

Description:  The U.S. departments of Education and Justice are threatening to yank federal funding for special needs and underprivileged children from an Ohio school district. The two federal agencies are making the funding dependent on the district opening up overnight accommodations, locker rooms, showers, and restrooms to be shared by members of both sexes.

Tuesday, Jun 20, 2017

The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Gary McCaleb regarding notices filed Tuesday in two federal court cases, Students and Parents for Privacy v. United States Department of Education and Board of Education of the Highland Local School District v. United States Department of Education, that remove the defendant federal agencies and officials from the lawsuits because of their change of position on student privacy, leaving in place the remaining defendants:

“Earlier this year, the Departments of Education and Justice rescinded the misleading, nationwide Obama-era ‘guidance’ that improperly redefined ‘sex’ in Title IX. Having clarified the issue nationally, the federal agencies are doing the right thing by no longer enforcing that obsolete and erroneous guidance against these local school districts. This was exactly what ADF and our clients sought from the federal government when we filed suit, and we commend the federal officials who have abandoned the experiment of intermingling the sexes within school locker rooms, showers, restrooms, and other privacy facilities. Because they have done this, it is no longer necessary to list them in these lawsuits. Local school officials can now work to protect the privacy of every student without improper pressure from Washington.”

Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.
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Previous News Releases

Legal Documents

Complaint: Board of Education of the Highland Local School District v. United States Department of Education
Motion for and brief in support of preliminary injunction: Board of Education of the Highland Local School District v. United States Department of Education
District court preliminary injunction ruling: Board of Education of the Highland Local School District v. United States Department of Education
Notice of appeal: Board of Education of the Highland Local School District v. United States Department of Education
Notice of voluntary dismissal of federal defendants: Board of Education of the Highland Local School District v. United States Department of Education