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Fab Five: ADF goes 5 for 5 with fifth court halting Biden-Harris admin's unlawful Title IX rule

ST. LOUIS – A federal district court in Missouri ruled Wednesday to immediately halt the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal rewrite of Title IX while the lawsuit State of Arkansas v. U.S. Department of Education moves forward. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing Amelia Ford, a high school athlete from Arkansas, joined the states of Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota in a federal lawsuit filed in May against the administration for its attempt to redefine “sex” in Title IX to include “gender identity.” This recent ruling stops enforcement of the rule against Ford as well as against the six states that brought the lawsuit. 

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ADF urges 9th Circuit to respect free speech after student punished for drawing

ADF Legal Counsel Mathew Hoffmann:  “Students don’t lose their First Amendment right to free speech when they walk into a school building. All Americans must remain free to speak, especially in our schools. As we explain in our brief, the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that public schools serve as the nurseries of democracy. There, young students learn to interact with each other and discuss topics from all angles....” 

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Diverse groups rally to support IN music teacher forced out of job for his religious beliefs

CHICAGO – Seventeen states, multiple medical experts, children’s advocates, and a feminist group have joined together to file friend-of-the-court briefs with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in support of former Indiana high school music teacher John Kluge. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing Kluge filed their opening brief at the 7th Circuit last week. 

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U.S. Supreme Court

Core Issues


Ryan Bangert: Orwellian California SAFETY Act isn’t safe for parents or children (RealClear Education, 2024-07-24)

Kristen Waggoner: The rising threat of global censorship (Washington Examiner, 2024-07-24)

Elyssa Koren: A new California law threatens Swiss-style family separation over gender transition (National Review, 2024-07-19)

Faith and Justice

Faith & JusticeFaith & Justice Magazine: Offered four times a year, Faith & Justice tells uplifting stories of victory and changed lives in which Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies have been privileged to take part.

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The Docket ADF International

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Featured videos:

When Big Brother contracts out censorship to Big Business (4:35)

How we’re counteracting the threat of corporate censorship (4:32)

Pushing back on the Biden administration’s social media censorship game (4:57)

The truth about the SPLC (3:24)

She was rescued from human trafficking, now Jean Marie is standing for life every day (5:55)

Women deserve equal opportunities on the playing field (4:59)

How modern “equality” comes at women’s expense (5:51)

Should “transgender women” be allowed to compete in women’s sports? (4:14)

Selina Soule’s story (3:15)

Alanna Smith’s story (3:58)

How gender ideology threatens core freedoms in K-12 schools (5:56)

Why “anti-racist” school curricula are hostile to free speech (6:14)

Parents are right: It’s time to deradicalize public education (5:35)

How courage is a winning strategy in the face of cancel culture (6:39)

When public universities deny free speech to students (5:42)